Acne Awereness

Are you dealing with acne? Or do you know someone who got acne?

This is the post for you..

I asked everyone of you who come to my door for a facial treatment, “what was the most ignorant thing someone had said to them about their acne”And I wish I could say I was shocked by the responses
But I wasn’t.

Because I know how uninformed the majority of the population is when it comes to acne. They don’t know how much it impacts a person’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. They don’t know that chronic acne isn’t just a result of “dirty” skin or the wrong skincare. They don’t know that there is a root cause of acne that isn’t going to be corrected by medications.

But the answers were infuriating to read nonetheless… because I’ve been the recipient of comments like these, too.

“It’s because you use mineral sunscreen.”

“Oh, you have really bad acne.”

“Here are some face wipes to use before your shift.”

“Wash your face.”

“It could be worse. At least you’re not actually sick.”

“My pimples disappear quickly so just don’t do anything.”

“That looks so painful, do this - do that"

“Suck it up and go on Accutane.”

“You probably don’t drink enough water.”

“Just go on the pill it’s your only solution.”

“Well, what are you even doing for your skin.”

“Do you have chicken pox?”

“The scabs on your face look like you do drugs.”

“Clean your pillowcase."

For me, it was - "Oh you are a facial therapist, how are you having acne”

I hated hearing things like this because it’s not like I had acne for a lack of trying.
I was hyper-aware of my skin, where the breakouts were, how bad they were and where every single dark mark on my face was.
I had an on-point skincare routine and trying my best not to touch my face
I washed my pillowcases and used fresh towels.
And I drank the damn water.

It was dishearting, to say the least.

So if you’ve ever been told something similar, you’re not alone.
Me and all the thousands (or I should say millions) of women who’ve dealt with adult acne… know exactly how it feels.

How it feels to be in your skin.
How it feels to be told hurtful things.
How it feels to not know what to do.

Acne is not a one way fix..

So here’s what I want you to do…

1.        Shift your mindset. “My acne does not define my self-worth. I am a confident and beautiful woman who deserves love and happiness.” Say it on repeat until you start to believe it.

2.      Write a list of all the things you love about yourself. “I love how kind I am to others. I love how quickly I learn things. I love the colour of my eyes.” Read it every morning and every night.

3.      Remind yourself. “This too shall pass.” You won’t be stuck with acne forever (no matter how long you’ve had it). When you get down to the root cause and fix it correctly, it WILL clear up.

I know you’ve been doing your absolute best, now is the time for you to trust your body to heal itself..

If you need a little more support, feel free to send me message and lets work together

Click here if you need more support

Sending Glowing Vibes Your Way..


An Acne Healing Insider